The Asociación de Desarrollo Económico y Social Santa Marta (ADES), along with other organizations that operate in Guacotecti, Cabañas are concerned about the high rates of teenage pregnancy in the district.

More than 700 community leaders from Cabañas celebrated the country's victory in approving the law against metallic mining. In a unifying public forum, Defending the Right to Say No to Metallic Mining,the community reasserted its defense of the recently approved law prohibiting metallic mining.

Environmental organizations together with hundreds of people, accompanied the Catholic Church to the Legislative Assembly to demand a law that prohibits metallic mining.

With 69 votes, the deputies of the Legislative Assembly approve the law prohibiting metallic mining in all of El Salvador

This weekend residents of Cinquera participated in a popular referendum in order to decide if they are in favor of or against metallic mining. Ninety-nine percent of the people voted against permitting mining projects on their land.


Leadership, organization and incidence
Promote inclusive and horizontal leadership, with an emphasis on women and youth, that strengthen community organization. • Promote processes of political incidence, vindication of human rights and defense of the territories, in alliance with social movements.
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Food sovereignty and agroecology

Promote the adoption of an agroecological model that contributes to the achievement of sustainable local agricultural systems that optimize and stabilize production, as the basis of food sovereignty.
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Comprehensive water and sanitation management

Strengthen community participation in improving water and sanitation management, contributing to the exercise of the human right to water.
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