El equipo de ADES fortalece sus capacidades en la producción orgánica

Reaping wisdom

ADES Santa Marta organized the discussion, Organic agriculture and its benefits for family and community,where more that 100 campesinas and campesinos from Santa Marta, Victoria, and Guacotecti of Cabañas, and Palo Grande, Milingo and Perulapía of Cuscatlán participated.

The conversation was developed by the same producers participating in ADESOrganic Agriculture School. From their experiences in organic production, the campesinos and campesinas spoke of the benefits obtained in health, economy, food sovereignty, and environmental well-being.

We cannot continue destroying our mother earth, that mother who gives us and our families food...Organic agriculture is the only way to take care of it,assured Carmen Delgado, producer from Suchitoto.

ADES seeks to motivate rural communities to exchange experiences about the benefits of working with organic agriculture.