El equipo de ADES fortalece sus capacidades en la producción orgánica

Food security starts at home

Campesinas and campesinos shared their knowledge on how to create conditions that will lead to food security in El Salvador

Close to 100 producers from Cabañas and Cuscatlán met in the forum With Productive Initiatives I Practice Organic Agriculture and Guarantee Food Security;organized by the Asociación de Desarrollo Económico Social Santa Marta (ADES). There they shared their experiences on promoting food security, emphasizing an important step is that the campesino produces their own food through organic agriculture.

Juan Reyes, farmer from Guacotecti, Cabañas, who has been working with organic agriculture for over four years, says that this is the greatest test of love for his family, because it is the only way to be sure that they are not being poisoned through their food.

Diega Membreño, campesina from Gaucotecti, reminded the audience that not only crops can help us achieve food security, but also the care of animals, which compliments the production of basic grains and at the same time generates meat for a healthy diet.

Diega currently cares for 18 goats that provide milk for processing a variety of cheeses that can be marketed to the community, as well as providing healthy, hormone-free meat.

Denis Alvarenga, Coordinator of the Greenhouses in Santa Marta, Cabañas, a young man who supports this initiative established more than 10 years ago, expressed that to reach a level of food security, its important that we dont devalue the work of the campesinas and campesinos, because they themselves appreciate the importance of their work in society.

Promoting food security is not a task of farmers alone, it is also up to workers, students, and even more, those who work with the State, but if the latter do not follow through, the producers of Cabañas and Cuscatlán are doing their part from their homes— harvesting food with the assurance that it is not harmful to health and that, despite the changes in the market, they will always have food at their table.

The forum provided a space for campesinas and campesinos that cultivate organically to share their products with the communities.


El foro brindó el espacio para que las campesinas y campesinos que cultivan de manera orgánica mostraran y compartieran sus productos con las comunidades