El equipo de ADES fortalece sus capacidades en la producción orgánica

Why is ADES investing in rescuing native seeds?

Reviving the use of native seeds generates a positive economic impact for campesinas and campesinos because they avoid buying hybrid, genetically modified seeds, while also caring for their health, says Creydi Rivera, coordinator of the Sustainable Agriculture Program.

Farmers in the municipalities of Guacotecti and San Isidro in Cabañas are trained in the rescue and conservation of native and creole seeds.

Apart from the economic benefit that they generate, we must consider the favorable impact on the health of Salvadoran families .additionally, these seeds require agricultural practices that are friendly to the environment,” says Creydi.

On the contrary, hybrid and genetically modified seeds that require the use of agrochemicals, deteriorate the ground, contaminate the aquifers, and endanger the health of those that consume the products.

ADES´s trainings fall within the framework of the Sustainable Agriculture Program, promoted in the departments of Cabañas y Cuscatlán. With these workshops ADES reaffirms its commitment with campesinas and campesinos to promote agricultural practices that are both environmentally friendly and healthy for humankind.