The values with which we identify ourselves are:

  • Love.

  • Solidarity.

  • Equity.

  • Justice.

  •  Transparency.

  • Respect.

  • Identity.

  • Honesty.

  • Coherence.

  • Stewardship.

We are guided by the following principles:

  • We work in the construction of a just, democratic and ecologically balanced society.

  • We promote participatory community development, oriented towards improving life.

  • We enhance the development of creative, constructive and transformative capacities of people.

  • We defend women's rights and fight for the transformation of unequal relationships between genders.

  • We fight for a life free of violence due to gender reasons.

  • We assume popular education as an essential approach that transforms human beings in a personal and collective way.

  • We promote popular organization as a driving force for change processes.

  • We protect and defend natural resources .

  • We promote generational change and intergenerational dialogue.

  • We bet on integral development and the leading participation of diverse girls, boys, adolescents and young people.

  • We give reason for our hope, being a testimony of service, which is based on a liberating ethic, inspired by the example of women and men who offered their lives fighting for a more just and democratic society.

  • Our work is based on the experience of the Santa Marta community, and we assume it as a reference in participatory community development and in the defense of its rights.



Leadership, organization and incidence
Promote inclusive and horizontal leadership, with an emphasis on women and youth, that strengthen community organization. • Promote processes of political incidence, vindication of human rights and defense of the territories, in alliance with social movements.
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Food sovereignty and agroecology

Promote the adoption of an agroecological model that contributes to the achievement of sustainable local agricultural systems that optimize and stabilize production, as the basis of food sovereignty.
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Comprehensive water and sanitation management

Strengthen community participation in improving water and sanitation management, contributing to the exercise of the human right to water.
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